why was si's post moved? that was in rhubarb or for sale last night? Why are you fucking with the board?
Seriously. Not that I think my post was that amazing, but I'd left that thread in a far more funny state than I'd found it. And that oughta be enough. Who was it harming?
Because a certain someone is creating threads where she shouldn't, and I'm a bit late on merging.
Bit late = too fucking late. Leave shit the fuck alone. WTF dude?
and he's good at doing all the shit work I cant be bothered doing
Can't be bothered = no need to be bothered. This board is 99% self-regulating. As it should be.
Speaking of cool cops, my brother's house got robbed (again). One of the kids responsible had a bowl and a half ounce of weed on him when he was arrested, so the cops gave my brother the kid's bowl and bag of weed.
How crazy is that?
Not so much crazy as AWESOME.
In case anyone missed it, Zoomie edited my post
No actually I edited your post because you were being a little bitch.
Yeah, and that's not fascist whatsoever.
It had much less to do with who you were slagging and more to do with what I felt was unnecessary moderator action. I'm sorry I picked that particular moment and that particular post to kick you squarely in the power trip.
Yeah, Drugmoth, I dont really care about this little argument goin' on but this editing and merging and shit is starting to annoy me. I don't mind once in a while but not every other damn post... It's not necessary, it's not funny and I do recall you getting pissed off at Luke for the same thing...
This is exactly the shit that we're not supposed to be all about, that most other forums do. Fucking hell.
Actually, I didn't get mad at him for merging posts that needed to be merged. I DID get mad at him for editing my own post.
Merging = editing. Hence why it's generally only done now and then, when necessary. Not because a mod doesn't deem a post to be worthy, FFS!