CT- I'm working right now too, and ever since I told this one security guard that I do not and will not ever date him, he just comes into the shared office, that he isn't even supposed to be in, and sits. I then told him that I could do my job duties, when he just started doing them for me out of nowhere, and he said, "what the hell, on the rag or something?", which is the same fucking thing he says every time I'm not super nice to him. I told him that he was a rude ignorant ass and if he wanted to constantly have the period conversation, the next time he brings it up I will shove a tampon in my snatch in front of him, pull it out, and then prove to him that I don't have my period five times a month. That finally made him leave.
EDIT- I think that I will probably get in trouble for all of this now. I hate when guys try to get revenge on you for not wanting them. It's fucking sexist. Wouldn't surprise me if he bashed me in the back of the head and raped me at this point to get what he wants. He loves talking about the size of my tits and my lack of ass all the time, to my face, even though I just say, "uh gross", in response. Cocksucker.