Man, who really cares if anyone lies? We ALL do, in certain situations, right?
Is your lie on a job app. any worse than one of his? (And i truly AM just wEndering ~ i'm drunk, and don't want someone of us to feel this hate.) i don't dislike him, even if he DOES lie ! it just really doesn't matter. If he lies, it's his bad, not mine, you know?
If i come from my heart to y'all, from what truly is ME, and my big, fat truth, that's how i roll. rofl (i just LOVE that ~ How I Roll!)
If y'all don't, that's on you.
And the only difference it could possibly make in my life is for me to love you, and be duped by you. But y'all won't do that to me. My Invite person was a man who truly cared, and agape loved me. Y'all have accepted me, 'cuz i'm ... a flower child, basically ~ honest, transparent, and a loving person.
And i DO thank y'all ~ ALL of you!