Sasha, no I didn't know you were raped. I don't think I would have forgotten about something like that if you'd told me, so again I am sorry. Yes my co-workers respect me, and not just the ones in the Austin office. During our two year data-center migration project, I have been asked to go down to Houston and Dallas to assist them with the migration. (Austin was the first of our domestic offices to migrate and the other offices were so impressed and due to word-of-mouth from folks who know I do a great job, I was asked to help the other offices out.) I am respected in my field, and as a person. People gush over me frequently, because I am considerate, polite, responsible, respectable, never buckle under the immense pressure of deadlines and last-minute requests that working at a law firm entails, and I am good at what I do.
Lucas: oh you're totally right. Going from one job to the next, one-after-another in a 10 year span is a true sign of reaching adulthood. I kick my ass everyday that I don't have another few notches on my employment belt.
At 28 years old you're not going to find many people who can say that they've worked at a place for a decade. I got lucky when I had just turned 19 to get a response back from this firm, and I jumped at the opportunity. The company has been very good to me. The people are fantastic, the benefits are great, the pay is good, and there's not been a good reason for me to move on to another company yet.
Balor: I pay my mortgage and HOA dues every month and haven't been late on a payment since I bought the place 3 years ago. I didn't get myself under water like so many other irresponsible fucks (including some of my neighbors who had their condos foreclosed on which is bringing value down). I sat down and spent the time - researched - and got an amazing deal on it due to "low-income housing" rules, because at the time I bought it I was working part-time and making under $37,500. I
chose to buy a condo rather than a house becase I don't have to fuck about with a yard, or outside maintenance, etc. I want easy-living right now. I am a responsible
property owner.
"Tourist" my ass, dude. I lived with a host family, and attended high school in Pompei for 6 months. I have been immersed in another culture.
I have put MYSELF through college paying all of my OWN tuition. ALL OF IT.
Without the use of student loans.
Again all I am saying is that I have my shit together and I am not some "high school" chump, who relies on anybody else but him/herself to get shit done. Anyway, I'm the only person who needs to like my life and I'm DONE defending.