I like how fryenze thinks the topics of "southern california" and "chest acne" are in the same realm as "ear hair." It's amazing.
i could have recommended a mild astringent (Witch Hazel is perfect AND cheap) along with being sure to protect that area with sunscreen, but i wasn't sure how you're taking me poking my nose into your personal life, these days.
RE: SoCal ~ if you're into ego-maniacal Emo CHAVS, have fun! (Been there, done that ~ great-aunt lived approximately 2 1/2 blocks from Santa Monica Beach, and family lived in SoCal for about 7 years, total)
But, yeah, Thrash is right ~ i was thinking about it, 'cuz something ... Sakhi's post, about how loud 125 db's is! ... made me think of it, and i Do usually just come into this thread, post my CT, THEN read the ones that have been posted since the last one i read.
p.s. Too much drama? 
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 07:20:49 AM by fyrenza »

A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity