CT: Another Sunoco Refinery mishap being covered up - Something happened last night to release massive amounts of god knows what into the air. It was so strong that Detroit and I sprung to our feet at 3:30 am to investigate the burners to find nothing and and opened up all the windows, shut the heat, and made sure the cat was still alive. The smell was strong of the additive added to natural gas to make leaks detectable (i forget the name). That shit made my eyes water, throat burn and cause difficulty in breathing. After checking out the news, one house had a gas explosion last night though I don't know if that is related.. but then I found this...
A terrible odor was blanketing part of the area surrounding the Sunoco refinery in South Philadelphia on Wednesday night and early on Thursday morning.
A spokesman for Sunoco says the odor originated from the cleaning of a high rise oil tank at their refinery near Passyunk:
"We had been washing out some equipment at the refinery in advance of a maintenance project and some oil got onto the roof of the tank. Odor from the roof of the tank drifted into the neighborhoods with the wind. We conducted air monitoring inside the refinery as well as outside the refinery in the surrounding neighborhoods -- the readings tell us the situation is safe."
Our phones here at KYW Newsradio were ringing off the hook with listeners who wanted to know what was going on.
Mario D'Adamo of Packer Park says this is the worst he's experienced in 10 years of living in the area:
"Gas or a gas leak or somethings burning. We thought wires were burning but it's really bad -- like the house is on fire almost. You can't breathe."
According to reports, the smell was blanketing most of South Philadelphia and extending into South Jersey.
Im sick of this refinery and its obvious bullshit.