Three things I wanted to post last night but was too mind-numbingly stoned to type out before you fuckers would have another response up:
Firstly: I like cockroaches better than centipedes but about the same as spiders. Really there are two factors that weigh into it for me. Speed and leg length. Harvestmen are srelatively slow and all, but their legs are too much for me. Centipedes on the other hand have tiny legs, but they are blindingly fast. Number of legs does nothing but improve the situation in my opinion. I love millipedes, isopods, and crustaceans. Centipedes, though, are truly horrifying. It's videos like this that make me cringe:, actually tendency to swarm also is a big negative. Hence my great distaste for earwigs, and further support for my dislike of roaches, and harvestmen.)
Secondly: Burger king is still amazing and yes I am a child. Fish and chips is also quite good. The best I ever had were cooked for me by an ex, and they were made from orange roughie. Absolutely marvelous. I only had whitecastle once and it was in Alabama. That's the only time I've met a person who was speaking English to me that I couldn't understand a word of.
Thirdly: I'm way too picky to be counting the number of chicks I've bedded in the 50s. That's mad. I don't think I've met 20 chicks who've met my exacting standards. I mean maybe if I'm drunk and it's a one-night thing that I feel ashamed about the next day, but 50? At that point I'd be reconsidering my game plan. Then again, these are Northern East Coast statistics. Other parts of the world may be hotter than here.