
Quote from: Tru
Quote from: Lothar
I would say that you wouldn't believe the crackdown that would happen in this country. it would make T-Square look like a tickle fight.
However, some of you are old enough to remember Kent State. Hell, Tru was probably there collecting pop cans.
Pop came in bottles back then.

Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs(Read 642697 times)
Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3960 on: November 27, 2009, 03:28:32 PM
I'm terrible with imperial measurements.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3961 on: November 27, 2009, 06:04:26 PM

That pic was recent, it was taken last weekend.  I am a "fat skinny chick".  I just know how to hide the middle well.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3962 on: November 27, 2009, 06:21:22 PM
I'd hit it! Individually then as a group...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3963 on: November 27, 2009, 06:33:37 PM
i'll climb the ladder, and you descend it, we'll ^5 as we pass each other in the middle of this adventure
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3964 on: November 27, 2009, 07:08:29 PM
To be honest, I just want to find out if Noelle is a tranny...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3965 on: November 27, 2009, 09:35:45 PM
hot damn tricky is a fox!

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3966 on: November 27, 2009, 09:56:27 PM
i'll climb the ladder, and you descend it, we'll ^5 as we pass each other in the middle of this adventure

You can play "hide the hotdog" as I play "hide the middle."

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3967 on: November 27, 2009, 11:25:36 PM
hot damn tricky is a fox!

want to fuck?

p.s. Sasha on Monday I need to scan our stickers and post them.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 11:27:42 PM by tricky »
you treat me like a monologue ho

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3968 on: November 28, 2009, 03:55:05 PM
... and my cock

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3969 on: November 28, 2009, 05:28:04 PM
hot damn tricky is a fox!

want to fuck?

I'd love too! .. But.. i have this new rule about fucking people i met on the internet.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3970 on: November 28, 2009, 06:28:48 PM
Aasim posted a naked picture of me on my Facebook account.  I am fucking humiliated.  My account is now disabled, thank god, and I called the cops.  I'm done.  I can't handle this.  He took the harassment too far.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3971 on: November 28, 2009, 06:33:19 PM
Just dont be humiliated with the pic itself. I mean your body.  Yeah, nvm.
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3972 on: November 28, 2009, 06:42:00 PM
I miss everything ....

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3973 on: November 28, 2009, 06:43:23 PM
Aasim posted a naked picture of me on my Facebook account.  I am fucking humiliated.  My account is now disabled, thank god, and I called the cops.  I'm done.  I can't handle this.  He took the harassment too far.

That sucks. What a prick.

I miss everything ....

I know, right?!
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3974 on: November 28, 2009, 07:03:40 PM
You should probably post it here now that everyone has seen it anyway.
Also to be on the safe side you should probably level the playing field by posting nudes of all your hottest friends.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3975 on: November 28, 2009, 07:13:19 PM
The cops said that what he did is a federal crime and that he is going to go to jail.  Their cyber crime unit is also going to put a warrant against him to seize all electronic devices of his to verify everything that he has done.  It is over for him.  Fucking asshole.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3976 on: November 28, 2009, 07:18:59 PM
Hey Sahsa, I saw this and messaged you. The idiot must have been high because he put his name on the pics.

Hope this is enough to get him out of your life
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3977 on: November 28, 2009, 07:20:00 PM
I saw it but I didn't digitally archive it for 10 years from now, Loaded Gun 3.0.

If only I had bagman's instincts.

That really sucks Sasha and I hope shit's alright.  For what it's worth I think you caught it pretty quick.  I've been online all day and that picture was only up for a few hours maybe?
Pour the wine, hold the grind, quarter to nine, let's go.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3978 on: November 28, 2009, 07:24:04 PM
I called my friend Noelle to ask if she saw the picture and she said she did, but that she thought that I had put it up since I looked "really cute" in it.  FUUUCKK! My account is disabled now and I am never going to date a nerd again or have a social networking account.  I was so upset I actually cried. 

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3979 on: November 28, 2009, 07:26:53 PM
hot damn tricky is a fox!

want to fuck?

I'd love too! .. But.. i have this new rule about fucking people i met on the internet.

Do you have a rule about being raped by people you met on the internet?

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3980 on: November 28, 2009, 07:40:48 PM
oh and this is why I was a bit prickly about FB when we were in Japan

Sasha - I hope this is the catalyst to move to another town, finish your schooling and get on with it.
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3981 on: November 28, 2009, 07:45:50 PM
I got my acceptance letter from St. Edward's University today in the mail.  It is here in Austin.  I don't have that much longer until I finish school so I was thinking about saying that I would attend next semester. 

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3982 on: November 28, 2009, 07:46:36 PM
whatever gets it done
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3983 on: November 28, 2009, 07:52:57 PM
The humiliation sucks, but take solace in the fact that he needed to do this for the attention, because the guy must seriously lack somewhere in his life.
Fuck that guy, you don't need that shit.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3984 on: November 28, 2009, 08:04:10 PM
And that Sasha has nice boobage.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3985 on: November 28, 2009, 08:06:30 PM
if you stay in Austin, you'll have the fallout from this, dealing with his friends etc, right? Maybe better to move on if you have time to apply
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3986 on: November 28, 2009, 08:13:03 PM
I'm sorry to hear this Sasha. I hope he is out of your life for good, and that you press charges to the fullest extent. You mentioned to me how he would break into your email accounts too, you may want to tell that to the cops as well. This guy is a stalker and an abuser. I know it may be hard to say good bye forever to him, but you need to do it.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 08:17:06 PM by tricky »
you treat me like a monologue ho

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3987 on: November 28, 2009, 09:11:27 PM
Now I feel really bad that I complimented that picture. Don't worry, it will pass.

Send his ass back to Bangalore.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3988 on: November 28, 2009, 09:37:36 PM
I don't care about his friends being mad at me.  I honestly can't afford to apply to a bunch of schools.  I also can't afford to move anywhere else to start over right now.  I can deal with it.

Re: Let's see some recent photos of your ugly mugs Reply #3989 on: November 29, 2009, 01:57:06 AM
I saw "naked"and thought "all right!!", then I saw you were hurt and it wasn't your idea to have it on there I genuinely feel bad about still wanting to see it.

...aaaanyway, throw the book at the fuck.  Seriously.
(from bash.org) <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.