Daddy, I agree. It is the idiot Christians/Catholics refer to "Christmas" as the cornerstone of the faith, when in reality those days are those which contain the "passion", they are: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Those days are the high holy days. Another fun fact, the church year begins at Easter. Idiots who dont understand their own faith will tell you Christmas is most important. But they probably think that because no one lights a window for Easter, or buys them a new HD tv or lexus (have you SEEN those commercials?)
Also, most Catholics know that the birth of "Jesus" didn't happen in Dec, but get squeamish when you ask about the winter solstice / Christmas connection. The clergy, however, are pretty good about telling you straight that's what happened. I have always assumed Christmas is said (by church officials) to have happened in Dec. because of the winter Solstice and the nativity story itself from the bible/medieval pageants, and where the marketing shit came in, well that I'm not so sure. But Christmas itself wasn't an American national holiday until the 1800s - so maybe after then?
Either way, I don't care for religion, but it's nice to get off some time from the morning job and make some extra money at those midnight masses. Christmas pays better than Easter, just like weddings pay more than funerals.