I've just figured out why I get this irritated sense of deja-vu whenever I read some of your posts. You have the same shit-stirring insistence on having the last word that my younger sister used to drive me crazy with when we were teenagers.
I like to talk, I cant help it. Its not because I like having the last word, i hate being last poster, just to keep the convo going. Especially when people think I'm crazier and angrier than I am. (I'm used to not having the last word in arguments, its useless, my bro and mother do it so their arguments go on and on and onnnn)..
Good to know you get irritated though. (and yes I am aware this post is a prime example of what you mean. *shrug*)
Edit: i know sometimes i do post in that kinda way but not consciously. Like the reply to the geek i dont think was trying to get the last word in but I'm sure in some cases like talking about religion i have.