You know what they should charge black people extra for?
Movie tickets.
Couldn't agree more. I went to an 11:30pm week night showing of an R rated movie like a month ago (you know the kind of show you go to in order to avoid this type of thing) and there were two black women sitting a few rows behind me, one with, I shit you not, a probably 1-2 year old kid. The bitches were talking a lot and the kid was pissed and frequently making loud baby noises. I don't blame the baby at all, fuck I would be pissed too if I was out that late. The question remains, WHO THE FUCK TAKES A KID OUT TO AN R-RATED MOVIE AT AGE 2 AT 11:30 PM ON A WEEK NIGHT?!?
When I lived in Detroit, my girlfriend and I would actually drive about 30-40 minutes away from my house to go see movies, even though there was a theater about 5 minutes away, because so many black people went there you couldn't actually enjoy the movie. I remember we saw some horror flick, and it was just black people yelling and screaming and adding their own commentary the entire movie. Like you literally could not hear the soundtrack there was so much yelling.
I already mentioned in another thread my experience involving seeing a Will Smith movie in a theater with black people - DON'T EVER DO THAT, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, DO NOT EVER SEE A MOVIE WITH A BLACK LEAD IN A THEATER WITH BLACK PEOPLE. Unless you want to hear "OH SHIT, RUN NIGGA, FUCK MAN, GET THAT SHIT, OH HELL YEAH NIGGA" for fucking 2 hours.
I try not to be racist, and try to be open and understanding with everyone in my life, but I would literally pay 2x the ticket price for a guaranteed race-segregated theater and I am not even joking. Black people ruin movies.

Pour the wine, hold the grind, quarter to nine, let's go.