Over the last year NASCAR has been show on Australian free-to-air TV.
I like motorsport, and i always thought it was an funny when I heard people saying that Americans only watched NASCAR for the crashes, because I like motorsport. Now I understand what they are on about, I's so damm easy to watch, you are sitting there waiting for something to happen, a nudge,bump,tap, anything. I get it now. I love the fact that NASCAR is so specialized, that when they go to a circuit, the boffins start talking about how this driver and that driver have now experience driving on circuits, fuck me, big engines , no experience. What could go wrong.
Right now i'm watching Major Leauge Baseball, on free-to-air TV. It's weird having all this American sport on network TV, I now have a whole channel for sport, I get baseball, basket ball ( ncaa,ncac, n something and NBA ), all sorts of other useless shit like American football. I don't really know where i'm going with this topic, but im sure I will figure it out, hopefully before somebody posts gay sex.