1. I had to buy new jeans. Since I quit smoking I've moved into a 36 waist.
2. I had to do the grocery shopping.
3. I had go to work. Replace a sliding glass door and assemble some patio furnishings. Piddly shit. Demeaning work in economically troubled times.
4. Got a phone call. Butch died yesterday. Spent the day on the bay and then between his truck and his house he fell and his heart gave out. I should have this sense of self satisfaction. She was 5'5" and weighed 350, smoked 4 packs a day, lived on cookies and controlled his diabetes with M&Ms. He fired me 9 months ago over a minor matter of opinion and then lied and said I quit. But he taught me more in the 5 years I knew him than anyone else I've ever met. Now I have to drag out the funeral clothes.
On the plus I made $500 and got a phone call from a friend who just wanted to see if I was ok. Thank you. And now I'm getting faced on coffee and tequila. Woo.