You all are so far behind the curve. I created one nearly 7 years ago. (For myself mind you - nobody else was interested.) Now it's authentic nolstalgia/retro/Buffalo Exchange material and whatever these "new" shirts will be, won't be nearly as cool. towards a fail pic of bagman.
and the fail pic im thinking about is that twn year old pic of him, when he looked dorky with the big rimmed glasses.... i think im seeing the right pic in my head.
My first thread ever on anti-social, was "Maybe I shouldn't post this but what the fuck" and I posted that super lame photo. That thread turned out to be fucking huge, and I knew right away I'd have an impact on you turdburglers.
yeah one with bagman on it would be cool. maybe the one where he's showing his punk rock tom cat tattoo. hahahahahahaha

Tricked-out: think up some original, creative ideas on your own and then share them with us. (Serious ideas - I doubt anybody wants my tattoo on their shirt). The fun part of the process if getting some extra wrinkles on that mush in your cranium, with creative thinking. Things to think about: terrorism/Columbine/Virginia Tech. Don't make it overly violent. Also: no tits, no balls, no penis, no vagina, no "fuck"s or "shit"s or "cumdumpster"s or "danzig's a big fag" (words/phrases), or any photos of venereal diseases, amputees, retards in wheelchairs, drugs, or gratuitous and leaky anal sex. Also, no fucking turtles.
I am pretty sure an upskirt shot of you on the front could work well though.