So what do you drug your lady with before you play rape her? Or do you choke her? How do you do this? Hands/ belt/ collar/ other?
Also how do you learn how to choke someone without killing them??
I drug her with Jagermeister and strippers. Rape night was hyper rough sex against her will, but she told me she wanted me to do that a couple of weeks before it happened, so it was only semi non-consentual. She said it was great.
The choking is another thing she likes, and I'm a little uncomfortable with it. There's no special technique I'm aware of, I just wrap my hands around the base of her throat and choke her in the manner of "I hope I don't accidentally kill this bitch" as opposed to the way you would choke somebody when you were thinking "I'm gonna kill this fucking asshole!".
If you want to choke someone without killing them make sure you don't crush their trachea, and like Lothar said if they lose consciousness let go and revive them if necessary. It's best not to choke them into unconsciousness.
Current sex thought: Katie is naughty.