So just got home. The Propagandhi show was GOOD! Sasha #2 is so uber-cute, and actually pretty funny; especially when she's drunk. We pissed out in front of some random person's SUV in this state parking lot. I called her a dirty fucking girl. Haha. I mean Jesus. Women aren't supposed to pee in public. It's too bad she has a boyfriend. But see, he lives 3 hours away in Dallas so I KNOW she gets the ache. I'm not really sure how to play this correctly, but she said she had a lot of fun and "this was the best concert she's ever been to." We're also going to the Holy Fuck show in a few weeks. Again, it's fine with me if we are nothing more than friends, it's just good to have the practice.
We went to a couple of places after the show - one was fairly lame, and then this place called Beauty Bar (Sasha I am sure you know the place). It was RSVP only, but she got us in. Cool electronic duo inside (forget the name) but she said she was bored, so we walked a bit and left. She got a hot dog from a roach coach and we walked back to the cars. She's cute.
Blah blah. During the show, she handed me her purse and shit and said she was going into the pit. I said cool, have fun. So as I was standing there, rocking to Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass this girl climbs up onto the bench I am standing on. Real cute - facial piercings, tattoos, fun looking girl. She starts talking with a couple of dudes next to me and one guy is like "I'm not here to talk to you, I'm here for Propagandhi". (FAG) Anyway she is clearly more than slightly inebriated. She starts leaning back into me, and pretty soon my boner is raging. She kind of looks back at me quickly and then flips her hair and continues pushing back against my dick. Hahaha. Concerts are awesome. That is the second time a chick has leaned back and obviously rubbed on me at a show. (The other was at the Cut Copy show a few months ago). Dirty whore. Anyway, I didn't say a word and she was talking to these dudes about taking her to her car, or some bullshit and I just sat back and ignored her. She went away finally, but it was fun while it lasted.
Funny girl.