Oh, I wouldn't chicken out. I'd totally have to lose some weight first though. Fatties on treadmills!
CST: My ex contacted me and she wants to ride my cock again and told me she will be pretty much be up for the dirtiest, nastiest sex evar. I'm really trying to weigh the pros and cons in this, it really seems to point to mostly pros. I'm still not sure.
I would have sex with your ex. I have sex with my exes all the time, because it doesn't count.
CST- Remember when some of us were looking on craigslist for a chick for Kyle, well I emailed this guy who I thought was cute... months ago! I have already flaked on a couple of pre-set up dates and he is still emailing me asking me when we can hang out! I always tell him to come to this bar I frequent named Shangrila on the days that I am there and he never comes. I don't think I want to see him because if he doesn't want to hang out with me when I am with my friends then, in my eyes, he is a serial killer. It's getting super annoying!
No, a lot of guys KNOW that the WORST place to meet a chick (for the first time, especially) is AROUND HER FRIENDS ....
It's not bad enough most men feel their being pressured by the girl and HER initial judgement of him; now there's (x-amount) of dumb, clucking bitches doing it, and also doing it FOR/WITH her ...
Even I know that's a bad situation ...
... and I won't do it; you aren't hot enough for me to compete with and/or your friends (as well); it also shows how insecure and shallow you are
Why don't you invite yourself out to his league bowling/beerfest nights instead ...