Dude, what the fuck? You'd still care about her?
i'm going to butt in here ~
After 4 years, that person is not only someone YOU love, that YOU were faithful to ~
they're also your best friend on God's green earth. They know you, inside and out, 'cuz you loved them enough to open yourself completely to them.
You don't just kick that that, nor the hurt of the betrayal, to the curb, and "get on with your life."
A) You'll NEVER "get over" it;
B) You'll never stop wEndering;
and C) You'll feel so frickin' lonesome, sometimes, that even bad love will seem sort of okay...
Life sux. Then, you die.
You can enjoy every moment of it ~ what it IS, right NOW, giving thanks, even when it's over, that for at least, for a season, it WAS...