The dude/chick i met had bigger boobs, not too big, not big old balloons, flapping about,
but nice little boobs, that felt really nice, and the nibbles were, nibbleable.
For a little dude, he had a HUGE cock, and i wasn't sure why he'd want to let that go,
but it was his choice, and i didn't ask.
But he was gorgeous ~ i thought he was female, tbh. i thought it was going to be a 2 female 3-some, but that was something else, to be able to play with his boobs, and suck his cock while his b/f fucked him.
Man, i've seen too much, and the thing is? Most of it doesn't disgust me, as much as make me sorry, that folks think they have to change themselves up, to that extent, from what they were made to be.
i just don't get it, i'm afraid. i can empathize, but i could never be there, you know?