So, the Windows 7 Release Candidate hit last night for MSDN & technet subscribers. It's also available on torrents, I imagine (build 7100).
I'm such a geek, I stayed up until 2am downloading it from MSDN, and then installing it on my primary system.
So far, I'm really liking it. I'd run the beta from Feb - early April on another computer, but I decided to go all out and drop it on my main system.
Honestly, it's a really elegant upgrade over Vista. Also, it runs exceptionally well for being a release candidate (note: I'm using hardware that is about 4 years old, and at least 2 generations old from a CPU/GPU/chipset perspective). I've had no issues or errors so far.
I was able to use several Vista drivers to get things up and running. Specifically, the RAID card I'm using as a boot device (Adaptec 1220SA) needed drivers, but they loaded right off a USB key during setup. It was a fantastically smooth experience.
I think it has another 3-4 months before the product goes "gold", so there will probably be additional changes. Then there will be another 1-2 months for retail copies to be created. So, October should see Windows 7 available in the marketplace.
Anyway, to anyone that has a spare computer, or is just really brave about trying new things, I recommend trying it out either via torrent or waiting for the public RC to happen.
edit: Oh, I think I've found an issue. IE8 doesn't seem to like when I type past the height of this text box. I can't actually read what I'm typing here, because of weird behavoir on the window. hmm!
edit2: Ah, if I switch IE8 to run in Compatibility View for LG, then the problem goes away. So, it must be something that SMF 1.1.8 doesn't handle well.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 09:48:23 AM by eitje »

Like yours. Only different.