That would explain the reason I had a stroke after 3 days of 4th plateau trips, but as I said "over 900mg at one dose" and by "one dose" I am saying you drink lets say 3 zicam bottles back to back, each bottle is 391.5mg's of DXM, you won't live after that. You can stretch a dose out like within an hour apart and be just fine, but as I said - and its been proven and not by me, doctors - any single dose (at that instance) of 900mg or more for the average person (lets say 170-210lbs) would either put you in a coma, brain damage, or flat out kill you. ^_~
se just start scarfing down a bunch of Morning Glory seeds and you're set for an LSA experience.
Yeeeeah. Point me to the doctors that say that. That's complete ridiculous horseshit, no offense, and you are probably just prone to strokes and shouldn't be doing 4th plateau for 3 god damned days straight. Use your brain. I've never heard of someone getting a stroke from ingesting a mere 1200mgs at once. You'd have to be a weak motherfucker for that to kill you. One thing I don't like is people talking drug talk out of their ass. I've studied DXM for 10 years now, more than any other drug. Read so many god damned articles and experience reports that it would make your head spin. Please....don't state something as fact that is not.
As for LSA, why are you doing Morning Glory seeds? Hawaiian Baby Woodrose will provide an adequate amount of LSA in 8 seeds or so. Morning Glory, you have to eat like BAGS of that shit.
Dude for one, lets not start talking shit to people just for stating some shit they read off Wikipedia and Google, don't hate just cause I'm saying, I'm not a fucking doctor so no reason to be a douche. Secondly, I didn't take 1200mg's of DXM ever at once, that just sounds retarded in the first place. Thirdly, I hit 4th plateau everytime I've dex'd because I control how much I do it within certain time limits. Fourthly, that was my first stroke, so blow me on that shit. I just don't need another one, and its because of the DXM because thats a common symptom, and don't say thats bullshit mister.istudy1drugfor10yrs. DXM caused my friend to pussy out of every drug he ever did and even stop smoking ciggerates cause his first time dex'ing it bout killed him due to a heart murmur, he's a retard anyways. Sixthly, I tried Morning Glory seeds when I was like fuckin 15, why? Because I never heard of LSA and read from Erowid thats pretty much the damn easiest, but thanks for the new info about the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, atleast now I know where the real deal for that shit is.
tl;dr: blow me.