Is run by fools. Thanks to some weird, misguided biblical bullshit, as well as some archaic laws, weed is absolutely illegal here, to the point where you could get arrested for as little as a seed. Of course, that never happens, and it's actually pretty fucking easy to never get busted for anything here (I'm a prime example of this), if you're not stupid about it. But I feel like we're sitting on a goldmine here that nobody will fucking take a crack at.
The island is already flooded with weed, you can get it anywhere, and tourists are constantly buying shit. I mean who the fuck doesn't want to get blazed on the beach in the fuckin' Caribbean?
Tourism is dwindling due to the worldwide economic downturn. Encouraging people to come here is a good thing.
So why the fuck don't we just legalize weed? Can you imagine an Amsterdam-type environment in Caribbean country? Who the fuck would go to Amsterdam?
The counter-argument is usually that the kind of people who would come here for that type of deal aren't necessarily the type of people we want to attract. But that's bullshit. Legalizing weed and becoming a ganja smoker's haven would probably increase the island's tourism by 500%, and with that money we could hire three times the police force we currently have, and crack the fuck down on any hard drugs or violence or anything else undesirable.
I really don't see a downside.