kyle go with your instinct and just give up. girls are fags
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.
No hot carl?
just a few of my favourite searches
I just got with most viewed or highest rated and pick from like the 20 choices I get up front. I'm not selective enough to go rolling out search terms for specific shit.
That's very generic of you. There tend to be too many cookie-cutter blondes in the most viewed/highest rated stuff for me.
Amateur. I hate pornstars and their fake tits and elephant cocks and forced dialogue.
I love elephant cocks.
Hey man, I left the door open. Nobody forced him inside...
I've been trying to narrow down what gets you wet and I've come to the conclusion that narrowing down what doesn't get you horny would be far less time consuming