It wouldn't be so bad if I had someone to molest on a daily basis... someone that's NOT married and would like to fuck atleast 3 times a day. That's all I need.
Doesn't exist. I too am one of those chicks that needs sex three-five times a day, even on the rag, and I have yet to meet a guy who can satisfy that urge. I will meet a guy and we will have sex all the time at first, and I will be all like "fuck ya! someone that can hang!", and then all of a sudden HE starts getting headaches or HE can't keep it up because he had too big of a dinner or HE'S too tired. wah wah wah.
There is only ONE guy that I have ever dated that had sex with me 10+ times a day. This guy looked like a seventies porn star and he fucked like one too.
The only problem was, he told me that he had just got a divorce from his wife who lived in la.... when she rolled into town I found out they were still married.