I'm getting drug tested for my new job tomorrow. I'm sick of all you drug using degenerates having fun and all that shit.
So seriously what do I need to know to pass this thing?
Well for one stop being a drug using degenerate and put down that crack stem.
Next step is go steal (or buy, your choice loser) some Niacin from wallyworld.
Get out 10 pills and crush them up into a fine dust. Get a gallon of water and mix well.
And I mean mix damn well until you can't see the particles anymore.
If you just take 10 pills you'll have a lot of bad reactions fast.
Start drinking, no need to chug, but finish that shit. Than continue drinking water, the rest of the day.
You'll itch, turn a little red, burn a bit, and some. But its worth it to knock out all the shit in your system.
Works fast, and is easy to obtain. Otherwise use fake piss called "Magnum" you can obtain at headshops.
I used that while I was on probation these past 6 months but no need now that I'm off.
Now get to it son. Oh, and this forum owns.