ever since I figured out it's the quickest route to a girl's vagina I've made sure I'm a passable cook
Vegetarian Lasagna
Lasagna Sheets
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper
Cottage Cheese
Feta Cheese
Hard Cheddar Cheese (optional)
1. Cut up and steam the veges (except onion, garlic, olives and half your mushrooms) for a few minutes until mostly cooked. Put aside
2. Dice and lightly fry onion and garlic, add diced tomatoes and the rest of your mushrooms and simmer down to a regular pasta sauce. Add salt, pepper and basil to taste. Throw in some of your olives too.
3. Layer repeatedly in your baking pan until you run out: Lasagna sheets, pasta mix, steamed vegetables, cottage & a little feta cheese. On the top layer add some hard cheddar because it browns well, the rest of your olives, feta & cottage cheese. Be liberal with basil and pepper. Bake at 180 deg(c) for 20-30 minutes depending on your pan size. Serve with red wine at room temperature, a really simple green salad and some good bread if you have some. The wine doesn't have to be amazing, it's there to compliment the food, but it should also remove any last objections in her mind so try to spend at least $15 on a bottle of Merlot if you're unsure.
Note to beginners: It's important to prepare your bedroom before your guest arrives. Make sure your dirty laundry is at least dumped in the wash room and the window in your bedroom has been open for a while. To avoid carpet burn ensure a clear path from your door to your bed and remove any clutter from your bed beforehand. Foreplay should not be necessary after the first 2-3 bites.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 11:01:30 PM by underclass »

Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.