I'm getting packed, dropping my dog off with my parents, dropping some movies off with tonsil-free Sasha, and then heading to the airport!
Pre-flight information: all of these things happened without incident.
While I was visiting Sasha, though, her mom showed me a lot of family photos and stuff. It was so awesome!
Since she can't talk very loud, when her mom started showing me the pictures, all she could do was grumble, Charlie Brown style!
On another note: I'm never taking Sasha to where my parents live, just so I don't have to suffer through the same kind of thing.
FridayThings I look forward to doing:
Calling "Detroit" by other city names
Tasting Krapsna's "awesome" BBQ
Talking about music
Playing Risk
Having that pizza that I loved so much last time
Using my modded PSP on the flight!
When I first arrived, I conveniently walked out and Geek was waiting with Detroit in the car. I introduced myself, and Mello made sure to call him Detroit. I then made sure to call him San Francisco.
Geek complained that he had no similarities with THAT city. So I called him San Juan, and then Tulsa. Eventually, everyone got the joke, and we drove back into town.
We got to the Geek house, where I was permitted to deposit my things in the basement (which would also be my accomodations). I was given a tiny couch to sleep on, and told not to put anything on the very expensive couch unless absolutely necessary. Normally, the couch was reserved for her very expensive cello, because she was concerned about flooding. I recommended that she could try using the normal chair, or ask Aaron to build something for her when he's down in a few weeks. I imagine a cello stand would probably cost about $5 worth of lumber, and 1 hour of time.
Also, the couch actually wasn't that small length-wise (I could just fit, head to toe, between the armrests - pretty impressive for a tall dude), but it was definitely a couch intended for sitting upon, not sleeping. The width had me sleeping my on side most of the night.
Mello had been talking about how tired she was for most of the drive to her house, but suddenly my arrival had her all fired up. (Apparently, she had promised Detroit some sex after picking me up, and he was a little disappointed that we were going to drive around town instead. I only learned about this later!) So, we go down the street to get a cheesesteak. It was pretty good, but I like the cheesesteaks in Austin more than Tony Luke's.
While at the cheesesteak place, we talk about Detroit a little, and me a little (I'm a man of science!), and a few other disgusting things. This is where I start delivering burns on Mello; Detroit is a little unsure of what to do, but he also finds this all humorous. So, he eventually decides it's okay to laugh at my jokes. Mello tells him that he should be doing more to defend her, since they're bf/gf.
Having finished our cheesesteaks in relative peace, we head out to see Gino's. This is around the time that I learned that Detroit was supposed to be getting some rude sex instead of driving me around Philly at midnight. Also, this is around the time that Detroit decides to try to deliver a burn on Mello. She gets a little butthurt from it, and I tell Detroit "dude, that's not a really nice thing to say about Mello." Then, I let him know that's how you defend a girlfriend.
When I realized that she wanted me to go to that trendy, tourist cheesesteak place, I told Detroit to turn that shit around and head home. I hope he got laid that night, for all his dedicated driving.
(Saturday coming soon!)