I probably party harder than anyone on this site. I'm not bragging, it's just the facts of life.
I used to do it more when I was a hardcore alcoholic, drinking 6+ drinks a day everyday for a few years.
Man, that's some hard partying. I'm surprised you still have a functioning liver. *snicker* Do you even know what a real alcoholic is? I've met people who had to pack a cooler with a 12 pack just to go to the grocery store. Because they needed to. One of my good friends spent several years drinking a gallon of vodka
per day. Because he needed to.
I'm sure you've done your fair share of partying, but really, Si's regular regimen puts six drinks per day to shame, and Nick's no slouch either. Don't forget that you're up against Danzig here, who's basicly getting
paid by the govt. to party.
I'm far from currently being in the running, since I'm a weekend warrior these days, but don't forget that I spent four years as a tattoo artist. There isn't a lot expected of you when you're a tattoo artist which was great since my life consisted of rolling out of bed at 3 PM, getting to work at 4, leaving at 10, and then drinking my ass off with some pills and weed thrown in till about 6 or 7 AM. Strippers, late night rock shows, after hours clubs, and waking up in stranger's houses were every day life. 12 to 18 drinks per night was taking it easy, hard partying included more.
It was a really fun time, but extremely unhealthy. I'm glad that my life changed in ways that created more expectations and responsibilities for me, because that lifestyle was really starting to take it's toll mentally and physically.
So anyway, party your ass off, have a great time. You're young and your body can handle a lot of things, but you know what the stupid things are and it's your choice to stay away from them or not. A large part of your self image seems to be defined by how much harder you think you party than everybody else, and that your heroin use makes you cooler than people who haven't used. Please don't define yourself by those things, because there's a lot of other people out there who put your partying to shame, and it's a silly thing to be proud of any way.
Especially when you party like a 10 year old girl.