
Quote from: krapsna
CT - Sasha's totally on the rag.
Quote from: 13chemicals
CT - I wish, because then I could leave bloody hand prints on your car door handle.
Quote from: krapsna
I'd just spray them down with bleach and hope nobody found the hooker I couldn't remember murdering.

Meandering ...(Read 34627 times)
Re: Meandering ... Reply #180 on: August 27, 2009, 06:11:57 PM
Way to GO!!!   :D
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: Meandering ... Reply #181 on: August 28, 2009, 01:03:28 AM
Biology is easy to some people but harder to others.  I have been good at every subject BUT biology.  I just don't care about learning it and find it to be boring and useless.  I'm in Cal 2 and that is interesting and easy for me.

Re: Meandering ... Reply #182 on: September 06, 2009, 04:44:20 PM
CMT: My brother found out the passcode for our internet access. Absolutely fucking hilarious.

It was just so easy. My brother was using my fathers computer to do some work and there was an option for it. Just read it off. No hacking needed.
Easy to remember passcode too. haha.. I think I'll keep using the 'stolen' one as well though, don't want to slow down the home one or they'll realise what's up.

CMT2: Also, I need to start walking again. 2 weeks of no proper walking and today.. well, lets just say it kinda sucked.

Re: Meandering ... Reply #183 on: October 07, 2009, 02:22:53 PM
i feel pretty today, it is a glorious feeling.

Re: Meandering ... Reply #184 on: October 08, 2009, 06:57:58 PM
I had sex and now it hurts to walk again. It sucks.  This undiagnosed pelvic pain in the pain the the pelvic area.

Re: Meandering ... Reply #185 on: October 08, 2009, 07:00:58 PM
You have to remember to pee after sex. That's how to prevent UTI. One of my former girlfriends taught me this about women.

Re: Meandering ... Reply #186 on: October 10, 2009, 01:46:09 PM
Showering after sex is a good idea for men too. Unmutilated men, anyway.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.