Wachovia is pretty fee free. I've been with them for 5 years now and am pretty satisfied.
Man, Wachovia fucked me so many times. The most craziest was when I had enough of their bullshit charges and decided to switch banks. Here's a shorthand version of the last time they fucked me:
They put a HOLD for no reason whatsoever on a $1500 check I deposited which then caused the following checks to bounce:
The check I used to open a new account at a competing bank
The checks I had written drawn on the new account
The checks I had written to the Wachovia account that I was waiting to clear before I closed the account.
All of the sudden all of my money was being stolen because of Wachovia's hold on this check that I had no idea about. When I went to the branch to find out what the fuck was going on they were all like, "There's been a hold placed on this check you deposited."
I was like, "For what? I've been banking here for years and I've never even heard of such a thing."
Their reply: "Sorry, but we reserve the option to place holds on checks whenever we feel it's required."
So, basicly, they saw that I was depositing a large check in my own name into another bank and decided to totally fuck me. Their little stunt cost me like three or four hundred dollars. How can they get away with such blatant theft?
It's also Wachovia's policy (and no, they're not alone) to process transactions in order from largest to smallest, thereby hitting you with as many fees as possible if you overdraw your account.
Example: You have 50 bucks in your account and the following transactions are posting today: -$15, -$30, -$5, -$10, -$5.
Here's how they process it (regardless of what time of day or even DAY the transactions originally were created).
-30, -15, -10 (now you're overdrawn five bucks), -5, -5. They just hit you for THREE overdraft charges instead of one by processing the transactions this way.
Banks make me sick. They're another indication of what's wrong with this country.