So, at the six-month mark, Baggie should buy her a little piece of jewelery with "cumbucket" engraved on it. You know, as an anniversary gift.
I know; how does anyone look at, say, Honey BooBoo's mom and think "I gotta get me some of that!"?
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
Ok how many of you guys have ever fucked a 14 year old?Raising my hand and I tell ya what, she was far more experienced than I was at the time. I only ever knew her by her nickname "Popcorn" I was like 19 at the time.In fact I was out on the town with an Australian ARMY buddy one night I drove all over town and finally fixed him up with Popcorn just so I could bang her 16 year old friend. Connie and I were an item for a few months. Popcorn eventually married a group of black guys.