my friends just starting biking through nice, flat asphalt along the river here and I'd like to join them. Real leisurely ride with a picnic basket - no serious mountain inclines or rocks and shit like I did last week. I need a new bike, or at least to fix the old one, since I got hit by that car in 2006 and mangled the back wheel.
Anyways... I'd like an old style schwinn coaster maybe with some kind of breaks that arent the pedal kind. Real retro cute shit. (feel free to insert an eye roll here)
Moving on...
here's the one I've found target selling:
[img/][/img] are mixed. All agree that the people at target are morons and you should get a real person to assemble and tune up the bike. Some say its a great bike for what I need, some say it's shit. $169.00 isnt a bad price but is a bargain, or am i getting what I paid for?
Emp, Lucky and whoever else knows bikes - what are your thoughts on this bike?
If this bike is pure shit... where can I go to get a cute vintagey-bike that wont break the bank?