Back in 2008, I campaigned as a write-in candidate for the South Carolina 1st Congressional District against the two "serious" candidates, Republican incumbent Henry Brown and Democrat challenger, Linda Ketner. I even spent money on radio ads promoting my campaign. Granted, I started late, but a couple of months before the election is not a lot of time to get your name out there. So, for the 2010 race, I am starting now. I may hold fundraisers, but running for Congress was never envisioned of becoming the industry that it is today by our Founding Fathers.
I have a commitment to Liberty, shrinking the power of the federal government, and moving to consumption taxes.
A large part of my last platform was reactionary to the two big government policies of the other two candidates. That has not changed for this run, but I think I'll be more direct this time out. Since South Carolina doesn't publish write-in votes unless they break a 25 vote per precinct threshold, I had to go find out from each County office in person. The results put it near 600 votes. I was only about 140,000 short.
Here's to a new campaign for 2010! Plus, if I get in, I can pay off my house in the first year.