Well, my question is, why would you want to justify or use it?
It's a fucking trap anyway. For me- I can only speak for me.
Of course the first months of use were like bliss. In all the social situations I'd previously struck out in, in any number of ways, speed fixed me. More than fixed me. Speed made me the Me that I assumed everyone wanted to be around.
Strength, charisma, sexual prowess, and unstoppable energy. That all got distilled down to pale skin, dead eyes, lost soul, and a life of constant fear and chasing.
The statement, "I lost everything important to me because of speed." is not correct.
That would imply that speed itself just stole my kids and belongings and self worth.
Speed can't do that on its own.
This might seem like a self righteous schpeal. It's not.
I just don't want anyone to ever use that shit.