I had my first "spliff" session this weekend, and the person I smoked with thinks it's funny to withold crucial information, so I'm going to pass the info along to you guys before you have to go through what I did!
Ok, so a "spliff" in this case is a mixture of tobacco and weed, approx 50/50 is this person's preferred mixture. This is how weed is commonly smoked in Amsterdam by the local population, often with some hash mixed in for good measure.
So, ready to smoke my first spliff, I smoked it like one might smoke a joint, or a bowl, getting large hits and holding them. About five minutes later, I started getting the freakout feeling, and decided to go take a whiz, to get my mind off the feelings of impending doom! As I climbed the stairs, I was getting exponentially more stoned, and realized that there was no way I'd make it back down stairs any time soon... Once I was in the bathroom, I couldn't decide which I needed to do more, vomit or urinate, so I instead decided (actually crumpled involuntarially) onto my hands and knees with absolutely no idea what the fuck was going on and no idea what to do about it. After a couple of minutes of this, I called downstairs to my host and informed them that I was way fucked up and would be "relaxing" in the bathroom for a while. My host came upstairs and helped me to a bed where I could relax for a bit. At this point I was sweating bullets as well!
After a short time, seriously like probably 5 minutes, I felt super stoned, but 100% better. I got up, went downstairs, and enjoyed myself tremendously.
However, at this time the spliff roller thought it tremendously hillarious to inform me that you're not supposed to smoke a spliff like a joint or a bowl, holding your hits... You smoke it like a CIGARETTE, taking little puffs that you don't hold for extended periods of time, or else you get TOBACCO POISIONIING like I had!
Ha ha! What a funny prank not.