Pitbulls remind me of Chihuahuas. Really big Chihuahuas.
I love Chihuahuas. I had this horribly abusive babysitter when I was about 6 years old. The only positive thing I learned from her was how to care for chis because she had a "teacup chihuahua". Also my late Grandma got a minpin/chihuahua mix when I was 8. Grandma spoiled him. He was the son she never had. I ended up "inheriting" him when I was 14 and Grandma died. She said I understood him better than most.
He was a true Alpha Male. The fact that he was babied didn't help. Despite my promise to her, I got him fixed (she kept say "he would be such a good daddy". But she never allowed him to breed and he was 7 years old and I was sick of him humping my arm every so often). He had a lot of teeth removed since Grandma gave him "people food". Eventually, he learned his place. He still had to be restrained from some people. He got to be a "daddy" to an abused Ch I got when I was 17. He got old and arthrictic and developed cateracts and seemed to only see a little bit, but he still acted all "benny Badass" as my dad called it. Got maced by the maillady. She was so upset she maced a blind dog. I was like "good. Hopefully he'll figure out your not worth it." He learned.
He died when I was 28. Right before I got married. He had been in Doggy End Stage Renal Failure for years, but he had too much pep in him to be put to sleep. Every time he slowed down a bit, my mom would say " Well.. he is very old..." and he would perk right up like "fuck you. I'm not ready yet". One night, he climbed into Mom's bed, snuggled in, and just fell asleep and died peacefully
Ok I'm rambling... to be honest, I smoked a bowl before writing because I was waiting for this benadryl to kick in... stupid Sulfa allergy..
What I was trying to get at was that Chihuahuas and Pitbulls are very tempermental breeds. If you baby them, they become agressive. If you try to "toughen them up", they become agressive. Finding the right balance is tricky, but needs to be done. I can't stand to see these breeds used as status symbols only to
End up in shelters or abandoned or put to sleep because of stupid humans.
As for the Pitts in my neighborhood, the ones that made it near me were mostly curious. There was one I had to kinda stare down one winter while shoveling snow