That is an interesting but limited site.
Current thought, something I just now thought of. When I was a kid I often wore long sleeve shirts because they actually kept the sun off and it seemed cooler to me. Kinda crazy sure but I had very fair skin and it didn't go well with hot sunlight. So, during the time I entered the teens I tended to sweat a lot and this lead to, of course BO.
I was at a friends house and three of four of us were playing an advanced form of hide and seek. I pretty much won because I scrunched up against the house and and into the corner where the house met the ground along a pathway from the front/back of the house. Everybody ran right past me, because the porch light made the other end of the path bright but it was fairly dark where I was. When they came around the back corner of the house they could see the light but nothing in the way. So yeah they all ran past me a couple times and never found me.
That's just the back story. Remember I mentioned BO? Well when the game was over we all met up in the living room still in the dark, and I mentioned because I was wearing a light colored long sleeve shit I said "well I would have taken it off but then you could see me even better". (because of my light skin) and my friend said "And smell you better too!
LOL the reason for this post is because I thought of that just now and thought, I should have come back with "Well the health teacher said I'm making whoresmoan and that's why! Hehehe