Don't you read Cosmo?
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
If I had a dime for every time some random black person on the subway (out of no where) got it in my eyes, my hair, my disability ...
Wow.That ("gubba") is Dear's nickname for his little sister.What a small world it is.
If I had a dime for every time some random black person on the subway (out of no where) called me a rich white/honky/cracker/opey bitch... well, Id be a rich white/honky/cracker/opey bitch! Sadly, you do not receive a dime every time someone who is angry at the world, incorrectly judges/labels you for no real reason.everyone has had it hard. Sex, race, orientation, color of your eyes, your hair, your nationality, where you are from. what kind of money you make, disability, .. I can go on!everything is against you as a member of society. It's best to leave it at that than say "X person has it harder than Y" for neither of us know what it is to be "Y", let alone what type of cards life dealt "X" and how difficult their situation was.
Your parents may have had it hard so you have it easy. At some point someone busted ass to improve your collective lot. Figure out who that ancestor was and thank them for it every day.
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.