One night, in the Year of Our Lord 20XX, I fell to slumber on the Geek's couch, and when I awoke, there were rubies and diamonds in my beard, and a purple horseshoe around my cock.
But none of you seem to believe me.
most of the RTers left are posting in daves forum and well,, its daves forum..
I'm not posting in Dave's forum. I'm boycotting the place.
Quote from: hippiehillbilly on August 26, 2009, 02:08:03 PM most of the RTers left are posting in daves forum and well,, its daves forum.. Why is nobody posting in EA's forum? She isn't nearly as much of a bastard faggot as Dave.I think some people are just laying low, waiting out the shit storm. When Skip is in a mood, it isn't smart to remind him that you exist.You are posting here now, and you are getting responses. What's the problem? Sit back and relax. Make yourself at home.
Well the mod who deleted my thread this time at least had the face to admit it was them when I asked them.I wont be posting in that personal forum anymore.You see, what has been done here is very similar to police tactics during demonstrations. If there is a gathering of more than 6 people in the one place or something stupidly small, it is deemed in the eyes of the police a crowd, and potentially there could be a 'riot'.Their tactic in such instances is to 'disperse' the crowd, so they end up all going off in their own little groups.This is exactly what has has happened to RT.Now I have to pick and choose groups I like or don't like, I talk specifically here of the personal forums.
Quote from: mcleodganj420 on August 26, 2009, 02:09:49 PMI'm not posting in Dave's forum. I'm boycotting the place.Start a thread here! Do you think we're going to shoot you if it doesn't get a lot of responses?
You see, what has been done here is very similar to police tactics during demonstrations.
Quote from: mcleodganj420 on August 26, 2009, 03:32:25 AMYou see, what has been done here is very similar to police tactics during demonstrations.Um, OK.
Quote from: mcleodganj420 on August 26, 2009, 10:24:47 AMIf you want to make an enemy out of me, then delete my this is what temptation feels like...
If you want to make an enemy out of me, then delete my threads.
That's kind of edgy, but he's going to know you are kidding
When Skip is in a mood, it isn't smart to remind him that you exist.
Quote from: FAH-Q on August 26, 2009, 02:44:40 PMQuote from: mcleodganj420 on August 26, 2009, 03:32:25 AMYou see, what has been done here is very similar to police tactics during demonstrations.Um, OK.What's you point.That's what happened!
Dude, it's a fuckin' message board!
Quote from: Zoomie on August 26, 2009, 01:24:01 PMYou truly can say anything you want here. Watch.That's kind of edgy, but he's going to know you are kidding, so I don't know if that should count. It's more fun when you can be totally serious, like when I say that Pressed Rat posts some of the most pathetic, worthless, brain-dead, fucked-up shit that I have ever seen come from a human who is capable of typing complete sentences. It would be a better use of his time to log off and fuck himself with a baseball bat. The biggest waste of taxpayer money I have ever seen is when the American public school system taught him how to read.How was that? I've been wanting to say that for months. BTW, BraveSirRubin is today's high-profile ban victim on HF.
You truly can say anything you want here. Watch.
I'll probably hang around here, but really, I am not entirely happy about the posting of dodgy videos and stuff.
Go suck a cock, faggot. Go take a fucking diseased, AIDS infected cock up your shit-smeared rectum.
Some of these people have been online friends for a long time, and they don't want to lose touch.
As long as nobody starts posting any pedo shit.
Yeah this is sort of the position I am in. I spent a good year and a half getting to know people in RT, I even supported the site, and then the owner comes along and does this.And what, we're supposed to just sit back and saying nothing?Also, I'll probably hang around here, but really, I am not entirely happy about the posting of dodgy videos and stuff.
Quote from: mcleodganj420 on August 26, 2009, 03:07:49 PMYeah this is sort of the position I am in. I spent a good year and a half getting to know people in RT, I even supported the site, and then the owner comes along and does this.And what, we're supposed to just sit back and saying nothing?Also, I'll probably hang around here, but really, I am not entirely happy about the posting of dodgy videos and stuff.In the same post you're complaining about moderation and complaining about lack of moderation.
But if Mosh & Thrash started running this place like that place is run, we'd leave and start a new board. Thankfully that ain't gonna happen, but it's worth remembering that a message board is much more about the posters than the board itself.
You fags have bukkaked all over this already worthless thread. Fuckers.
I agree. For some reason, only one person from HF (as far as I know) has left and started a new site. Hardly anybody followed him because he was too far out there for most people's taste.