I couldnt bring myself to read all 10 pages of this shit, but really? I mean fucking REALLY? Are people actually pissing and moaning about being flamed on a GODDAMNED INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD? Being douche bags because thayre treated like shit for being douche bags? Jesus Christo con Queso! Has ANYONE seen these old boards ten years ago? Thats all it was, big nasty bulging flame wars, and it was pretty good times. People are seriously shitting bricks of emo because they were made fun of for sprinkling little smilies everywhere? I mean fuck, kids. Had anyone dug up extremely personal information on you and your family and posted it? Probably not... and that shit used to happen. Suck it up. Really. I came back after, what, 5 years, and Im REALLY surprised how nice everyone is now. Not that thats bad, but good lord. I get on this board, actually the only board I ever get on, for maybe and hour or two a week. Theres stuff going on outsided. Bars. Work. Um, bars. Mostly nice(ish) folks. Not internet folks. And if people treat you like shit in public, you can just kick some booty. Or get someone to kick some booty for you. Or if your still a coward, break their stuff when theyre not looking. But to "protest" treatment by people on the ole interweb? Go read Wikipedia articles or something instead. Whatever... Here I am bitching about bitching. Its a cancer I guess.