
Quote from: hip (after "modification")
nothing says love co-dependent alcoholism like winning a flipcup championship with your significant other by your side.

I am not a birther,but(Read 25543 times)
Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #30 on: August 29, 2009, 09:47:41 PM
just thought i would show up with some kerosene and a match..  ::)



Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #31 on: August 29, 2009, 09:50:14 PM
From your link.

"Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said he might file a lawsuit to have the president release his birth certificate"

"Rep. Franks was a sponsor of the Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act in 2004."

end of link relevance.
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #32 on: August 29, 2009, 09:53:11 PM
Can we have a birther forum?

And by birther forum, I mean a gas chamber for birthers.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #33 on: August 29, 2009, 09:54:57 PM
From your link.

"Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said he might file a lawsuit to have the president release his birth certificate"

"Rep. Franks was a sponsor of the Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act in 2004."

end of link relevance.

 ironic dont ya think?  ::)

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #34 on: August 29, 2009, 09:55:06 PM
I am not going to argue about this birther shit with people because, like I said, ultimately it's irrelevant.  Regardless if Obama is a natural-born citizen or not, he's still a turncoat and puppet, just like the previous president and those before him.  Frankly, I could not care less where a person is born if they actually stand for the people and the good of the country.  That isn't the case, though.  Ultimately, this birther dispute is one among many mainstream media distractions.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 09:57:12 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #35 on: August 29, 2009, 10:00:32 PM
Yeah I'm really not so sure. Berg's credibility took a huge hit when within the first 20 seconds he said "Barack Obama is trying to destroy it [The United States Constitution]." Apparently the documents have been reviewed by numerous agencies. Like Zooms said, the State of Hawaii has certified his birth three times. Independent nonprofit group FactCheck.org claims to have held the actual documents in their hands (see link), and at least two judges have dismissed Berg's complaints as "frivolous and not worthy of discussion." Considering that Berg selected the court to which he made the complaint himself, I can't imagine the judges who described his claims as "frivolous" were part of the conspiracy too. The whole thing seems like yet another paranoid tin-foil-hat-wearing delusion. It's true I haven't seen his birth certificate, but come to think of it I haven't seen any of the presidents' birth certificates. I've pretty much just relied on independent fact-checkers to catch any sneaky Kenyans. So far my strategy has worked out ok.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #36 on: August 29, 2009, 10:03:42 PM
Phil Berg? Is that the best you got?

1. Steadfast Clinton supporter, is still in a tizzy that Hillary didn't get the nomination ONE YEAR LATER.

2. Was offended that anyone made reference to Theresa Heinz Kerry's family wealth but went rabid over Cindy McCain's financial records.

3. Has a personal ax to grind with Obama. Calls him an empty suit, says he has zero oratory skill, has an excuse for everything.

4. Stories everywhere on the web about all the lawsuits he's filed, all the court orders to produce the birth certificate, NOT ONE OF THEM IS TRUE.

So party lines mean nothing to this guy. He's not credible. You're acting sheepish, Matt. You can do better.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #37 on: August 29, 2009, 10:10:56 PM
Dude, I don't care!  Believe what you want to believe.  Like I said, I couldn't care less where he was born.  Frankly, I don't think he was born in the US, but at the same time, it couldn't faze me less.  All I know is that politics are a joke, and if you believe you have a say by going to the polls, then you have a lot to learn.  Obama is nothing more than a frontman for the same people who pulled Bush's strings for eight years.  Either people get it, or they don't.  All this other stuff is just a big distraction.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:11:35 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #38 on: August 29, 2009, 10:13:17 PM
Hey Tru, ya lookin for a room mate?
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #39 on: August 29, 2009, 10:15:42 PM
I watched that... its all supposition. There's no documentation presented to support Berg's case either.

I remember after GW was elected, Fatt gloated that GW was President. I'm going to gloat, but for fuck sake, Obama IS the President. Move on already.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #40 on: August 29, 2009, 10:18:46 PM
I watched that... its all supposition. There's no documentation presented to support Berg's case either.

I remember after GW was elected, Fatt gloated that GW was President. I'm going to gloat, but for fuck sake, Obama IS the President. Move on already.

Bush is a criminal.  Obama is a criminal.  None of these people run shit.  Puppets is all they are.  Partisanship is idiocy  Gloat all you want while they shove it up your ass.  That's what I tell people who want to play their left vs. right game of divide and conquer.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:19:56 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #41 on: August 29, 2009, 10:22:44 PM
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #42 on: August 29, 2009, 10:24:59 PM
I know, Zoomie, everything is as it appears on TV.  Surely if something was amiss in this world, you would have learned about it in school or on CNN.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #43 on: August 29, 2009, 10:26:47 PM
Did you run out of wiki/google links again ?
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #44 on: August 29, 2009, 10:29:26 PM
I watched that... its all supposition. There's no documentation presented to support Berg's case either.
It's the whole swiftboating game again.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #45 on: August 29, 2009, 10:30:25 PM
Well, i already had to kiss ass once...

i still believe he's not an American.  Sorry.

But i'm not exactly blind, either.  i, too, have to wonder about why no judge will order the "proof" to be produced.  i mean, every judge, all across America, has been coerced into throwing these cases out?  As FRIVOLOUS???

At the very least, i expected the Supreme Court of the U.S. to have some sort of balls, and order the evidence into a record.

And THAT freaks me out.  i mean, the name to be made by outing this dude ~ btw, when y'all cite Hawai'i as "certifying" his BC?  They certified that they HOLD IT, NOT WHAT IT CONTAINS, as per Hawai'i law, where the "owner" doesn't want the record made public.  Well, that's beside the point.

i WANT him proven a traitor, which, imho, he IS,

because OTHEWISE, PressedRat is RIGHT, and we don't really have anywhere to turn, anymore,

except for being aware, which he is,

and ready, which hhBilly is.
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #46 on: August 29, 2009, 10:32:21 PM
I watched that... its all supposition. There's no documentation presented to support Berg's case either.

I remember after GW was elected, Fatt gloated that GW was President. I'm going to gloat, but for fuck sake, Obama IS the President. Move on already.

Bush is a criminal.  Obama is a criminal.  None of these people run shit.  Puppets is all they are.  Partisanship is idiocy  Gloat all you want while they shove it up your ass.  That's what I tell people who want to play their left vs. right game of divide and conquer.

That's not what I meant. There are bigger things in play here that affect the whole planet, and this little party piece is a distraction that is pointless and unnecessary. Drop the birth stuff, and focus on whats really at stake here. And if in 2011, he hasnt done a satisfactory job in your opinion, do what you need to do to replace him.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #47 on: August 29, 2009, 10:34:47 PM
I know, Zoomie, everything is as it appears on TV.  Surely if something was amiss in this world, you would have learned about it in school or on CNN.

That would be really hard for me to get since I don't watch TV and haven't been in a classroom in well over 20 years.

But keep digging, it's your hole...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #48 on: August 29, 2009, 10:35:58 PM
I don't focus on the birth shit.  I already said five fucking times it's irrelevant to me, which is why I am not going to argue about it.  I will be glad to talk to people about the SYSTEM we are living under, which controls BOTH political parties and spoonfeeds you what you think are "your" opinions via THE TUBE.  I am not going to waste my time arguing over petty distractions like whether Obama is a natural born citizen or not.  I will go as far as to say I don't think he is, but there are far bigger fish to fry than that.  I am not going to waste my time on it.

I watched that... its all supposition. There's no documentation presented to support Berg's case either.

I remember after GW was elected, Fatt gloated that GW was President. I'm going to gloat, but for fuck sake, Obama IS the President. Move on already.

Bush is a criminal.  Obama is a criminal.  None of these people run shit.  Puppets is all they are.  Partisanship is idiocy  Gloat all you want while they shove it up your ass.  That's what I tell people who want to play their left vs. right game of divide and conquer.

That's not what I meant. There are bigger things in play here that affect the whole planet, and this little party piece is a distraction that is pointless and unnecessary. Drop the birth stuff, and focus on whats really at stake here. And if in 2011, he hasnt done a satisfactory job in your opinion, do what you need to do to replace him.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:39:35 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #49 on: August 29, 2009, 10:37:01 PM
double post
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:37:52 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #50 on: August 29, 2009, 10:38:57 PM
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:43:23 PM by Pressed_Rat »

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #51 on: August 29, 2009, 10:39:19 PM
Ian, he doesn't participate in our form of government because it's a sham. There are 12 faceless men who run the whole world through puppet governments. They control all the we see, all that we think, all that we consume and are allowed to see, think and consume. And those 12 men make oceans of money.

Tonight, partly cloudy with a slight chance of thundershowers giving way to mostly sunny tomorrow with a 20% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Winds will be from the east at 8-12 knots. W00t.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #52 on: August 29, 2009, 10:41:38 PM
Fuck I hate George Clooney.
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #53 on: August 29, 2009, 10:43:01 PM
Ian, he doesn't participate in our form of government because it's a sham. There are 12 faceless men who run the whole world through puppet governments. They control all the we see, all that we think, all that we consume and are allowed to see, think and consume. And those 12 men make oceans of money.

Tonight, partly cloudy with a slight chance of thundershowers giving way to mostly sunny tomorrow with a 20% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Winds will be from the east at 8-12 knots. W00t.

I never said anything about 12 men running the world.

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #54 on: August 29, 2009, 10:46:49 PM
Hey, i'm the Birth~Looney,

but i give up.  It truly isn't worth it.
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #55 on: August 29, 2009, 10:50:15 PM
ahhh dont give up fyr, its gonna take all kinds to bring this boil to a head..

 we are quickly running out of time to accomplish  that..


Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #56 on: August 29, 2009, 11:00:09 PM
I never said anything about 12 men running the world.

Well then how many are there?
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #57 on: August 29, 2009, 11:03:42 PM
I never said anything about 12 men running the world.

Well then how many are there?

 a power elite of 6000 give or take..  ;D

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #58 on: August 29, 2009, 11:07:19 PM
It's like no one wants to hear ALL of the stuff ~ and there's a LOT of it! ~ that are absolute Red Flags to most some folks.

The Annenberg Foundation stuff;

the ACORN stuff;

the college stuff;

the "What Inner Circle Was He a Member of in Chicago" stuff;

and all of THAT?  Just the tip of the iceberg.

i've watched some of the "good" stuff about him,

but when he tells bald-faced lies, and his "promises" keep falling through this, that and the other crack,

(i.e.  closing GitMo, no more torture, trials for the prisoners, etc.),

i start to think maybe this dude is just a liar, who has "control" of nothing.
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: I am not a birther,but Reply #59 on: August 29, 2009, 11:12:18 PM
he has control of what they allow him to control. he has some reign as long as the agenda continues.