Ok, I made this a post in one thread, however, I feel this should be its own thread, and open to discussion ...
Here is the skinny ....
Look, I feel what you all seem to want, however, I want to keep this place as simple as possible ...
I don't wanna fuck with things; this place is what it is, and is was BASED, ORIGINALLY, on being non-complex ...
There's no logical need for "hidden forums" and "smoke and mirrors" ...
I don't have a problem with these things, however, I don't see the point;
... and none of you have given a good arguement as to why I should
For LG, unlike TSi, simple is better ...
After a few days, once my "give a fuck" is working again, I'll evaluate and do what's necessary ....
Truth is, this is a hobby, and a place for you to "hang out", same is true with me; I have 3 businesses I run, and time's not on my side ...
I'll do what I can, when I can ...
Don't get me wrong; I listen to you all, and it's my honor to provide this place for you, however, I have other priorities ...
I space my responsibilities as are needed to survive and prosper ....
Additionally, I want to get with Ian (Mosh) and upgrade this software before I make any major decisions ....
That said, just know that I do read and pay attention to your requests, it's not a "fall on deaf ears" thing like you claim ...
Once we upgrade, there's features that are available that are not in this version of the software, and we'll talk about them when all's done ...
Thank you all for your posting, support, ideas, and "love",