I suppose I can only base my opinion on my own experiences.
My parents weren't religious and never went to church, but neighbors and relatives took me to Sunday school when I was a child. For second through sixth grade I attended a private elementary school that was Lutheran. Each day began with like a half hour of learning why God is so nice and all that, and every Wednesday we went to the attached church for like a half hour of worship.
In Jr. high cousins took me to a Baptist church on Sundays, and I went there too on Thursday nights for youth group, which was like organized games of dodge ball with a half hour or so of bible study thrown in the mix. During my childhood through teen years I have attended Methodist, Baptist, and Lutheran services. Certainly I met some real assholes along the way, but I can't remember ever having met anyone who gave me the feeling that they felt superior to the non religious. One of my best friend's parents are Missionaries, and his family is the most caring, accepting family I've ever met. They still treat me like I'm the specialest person ever, even though I tattooed a giant Baphomet on their son's back.
Myself, I'm Agnostic, and I don't care who your God is. I also don't care if you believe there is no God. In my experience I've never witnessed Christian persons attack Atheism the way I've personally experienced Atheist friends vehemently attack religion. I've never experienced religious persons use their belief in a supreme being as proof of their superior intelligence, but I see Atheists use their Atheism as a display of how obscenely intelligent they are all the time.
So, when it comes to religion or lack of it I prefer to live and let live... But, if your religion (not some "interpretation" of it) explicitly says that if you can't convert me then it's time to kill me, then sorry buddy... You gotta go.
So yeah, fuck Islam.