It comes natural to ya. Make sure you get piss-drunk first and make sure you mention at least one of the following:
Obama (make sure you mention you want to bear his children or other things that will make them think you think he's the greatest)
ooo.. southerner bashing will piss them off too
the latest flap is over one guy *slightly* desparaging Jesus. I'd hate to see what would go down if one were to say he didn't exist or was a douchebag or something. (goin to hell for that one...)
Seriously, the whole place is canted to the right so far you'd think it's got 2 flat tires
Okay, i might could be ready by next week ...
Working on handy-dandy "Cheat Sheet" :
Post # 1: Obammy hung the MOON, and his healthcare plan is Da Bomb;
Post # 2: i've been dabbling with Bi-Sexuality, but these Bi Guys are only into Anal. What's a poor old ginger girl to do?
Post # 3: i'm FROM the south, so i ought to know a fuktard RED Neck when i see 'um, which includes ANYONE who owns a GUN ~ which should surely keep them from looking for me HERE at L-Gun!!!;
Post # 4: Think they'd enjoy my "God Made EVERYthing For Us" speech, in which i proclaim the wonders of alcohol and herb, and point out the scriptures where we're encouraged to Drink?
my s/n is fried_chick.
I forgot about all those stupid questions before they let me in. The problem might solve itself though. Turns out *my* banning has nearly emptied the place out

Course, the only ones left are the jackoffs I actually *want* to piss off so yeah, those topics will do nicely.
And I've never mentioned this place to them so if by some off chance one of them is here already... er... ANOTHER one is here that's there, that one shouldn't be bothered.
I'd *love* to see the pussies try to invade here though lol

(from <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.