NZ and Australia are playing a rugby match in Tokyo this Sat....
Wed - go to Airport and meet two retirees from my home town who somehow won a ticket to Japan for the rugby. Take them to hotel and make sure they have a basic idea of how to get around.
Thursday - Take them out for dinner with a couple of guys from home town who are playing rugby here in Japan
Friday - Wave of folk from NZ arrive. Watch this space for drunk posts
Saturday - Running around catching up with various people. Lunch with Japanese rugby team (I'm bigger than them!) drinks. Hopefully see a game of footy, drinks after with the All Blacks (they're bigger than me!)
Sunday - Hungover. Ian arrives as the first of a wave of LG people. Ratchet liver up another gear for the week ahead.
I'm going to put on about 20 lbs I reckon

Logged - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.