What tastes like FOOD to you?
What tastes good?
Eat that. Not too much, but eat what your body tells you to.
You'll be hungry for what YOU need.
Bodies are like that.
And you know what? If you body likes to keep a "store" of fat, for hard times?
You're A) lifting any excess weight, with every step, lift, carry, etc., building a framework of muscle,
and B) able to withstand food shortages, 'cuz that old saying about Living Off The Fat Of The Land? Is true. Your fat will carry you where muscle won't ever be able to go ~ through starvation. Fat peeps are survivors, able to provide for themselves, and able to suffer hard times.
I'll lose weight.
You'll die.
The "fittest?" Have NOTHING to do with your concept of fitness.
Ever heard of history? Yeah. The peasants that ate veggies and crap? They didn't live so long.
In today's sit-around society? Okay, you might be onto something.
But guess what? I'm prepared, which EVER way it goes.
AND I enjoy every single bite of what I eat ~ I never find myself having to "choke down" anything,
nor deny myself.
It isn't just easy ~ it's also a survival device.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 08:59:10 AM by fyrenza »

A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity