This guy really annoys the fuck outa me. (mike, one of two guys running voodoochat (virtualplaces excite))
From the voodoo fourms 10:06pm Apr 05 2009
os : xp sp3
browsers : Firefox , IE6(installed non-primary)
client version : 8x2
hide avatars -> server list -> change rooms/server -> show avatars.
This operation ( and any other operation invloving hide/show avatars ) results in avatars being clipped/resized to a uniform (very) small size, except mine. Users entering after are a "normal size" and users already in the room revert to "normal" if they change their av.
and it doesnt bother me in the slightest. just thought id post it.
I also must point out i have no idea if the client forces IE even though its not my primary browser. I also concede updating IE might fix the problem, i just can't be bothered to do so unless I know client forces IE.
seed 2:02am Apr 06 2009
Voodoo's browser uses IE.
homeless-joe 4:16am Apr 06 2009
upgraded to IE 8
Same thing is happening.
If I show avatars during av loading I can get half clipped/resized half normal.
If i wait long enough for full loading of avatars all will be clipped/resized.
People who swap their av revert back to "normal" and my av is always normal.
I have swapped IE to primary : no change.
I also played around by turning off anti-virus/firewalls and all sorts of other things which I doubt would affect the client.
I cannot see this issue as a high, moderate or any priority due to the fix being to just wait for av load.
having the thread exist however may stop one or two please for help over global.
Mike 4:26pm Apr 06 2009
A guy walks into a doctor's office and says "It really hurts when I do this..."
I'm thrilled you can do a series of optional actions that can cause a minor display bug but... who cares?
homeless-joe 5:11pm Apr 06 2009
You do, going by the global posts I have seen.
If you would rather not having this infomation post in the forum for the people who piss you off in global with stupid "help" questions.
delete it.
Mike 6:52pm Apr 06 2009
I don't care who has the information - I'm saying that since the issue only occurs if you do a set of random and seldom-taken actions, the easiest solution is the punchline of the joke - don't do that, then.
homeless-joe 9:09pm Apr 06 2009
random ?
how is hiding the av's in order to use the sever list function in-client rather than as a pop-up random ?
Mike 7:25am Apr 07 2009
By the fact that you're only the second person to report the issue in 8 years. We focus our attention on the things that have statistical relevance and which can't be overcome by simply not doing whatever the person was doing to cause them the issue.
I'm done arguing this with you - if you feel we don't have our priorities straight and that this is a major issue, then you know where the uninstall option is. Barring that, I'm tired of the snippy replies when time is better spent on actual issues.
homeless-joe 2:11am Apr 08 2009
" I'm tired of the snippy replies "
Look in the mirror.
You had a great chance to point out to the people who piss you off with posting global/wrong forum/lack of info how do it properly.
But instead, you chose to be a #### about it.