krs: although i can't possibly imagine what you have to deal with down, my opinion is white trashers are no better than any other trash. how they feel comfortable mingling in our comfortable middle-classness here on cape cod is beyond me. then again, if lazy, unemployed suckbags ever felt less than around anyone, what else could they possibly do but simply continue to suck off the government's teat, slurping up mine and eric's hard earned pennies? what a conundrum.
we have a lot of young, unemployed, unmotivated, (usually unmarried/not necessarily single) pregnant white girls running around these parts. usually their affluent parents completely take care of them until god knows when...turning their family's local financial affluence into white-trashiness in just one generational click. its gross. why do i work so hard? why don't my parents support me at 27? WHY DO SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY FUCKING THINK LIKE THIS??
today's crankiness factor can be blamed on the fact that i can't really afford to pay my electric bill, and while i was in boston a few days ago, got a call from my roommate telling me we have no power. we owe over $1000. where the fuck is my bailout?