I love how when Dave goes somewhere it's still in Florida, and when I go somewhere it's still in the Caribbean. I wonder if being near the equator has some kind of weird magnetic pull we're experiencing?
California's in the Caribbean?
Well no. Neither is Nevada, or Ireland, or England, or Washington, or British Columbia, or Spain, or France, or Holland.
(Places I've been in the last 5 years.) But it has been over a year since I've been outside of the Caribbean, unless you count my many hops through the various countries of Central America.
(And here's where we get into splitting hairs: Belize, Suriname, and Guyana count as Caribbean, but Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela don't?It should be easier for you two to get away, the closer you get to the equator the faster you're moving. Si should be able to like, jump in the air and land on Florida, and vice versa for Thrash.
The speed thing is a bit of a paradox, eh? Some might say that the closer you are to the equator, the slower the pace of life is!