I think of Israel as a place where a bunch of persecuted people went and when they got there they stole the land from it's rightful owners.
No wait, that's the US AND Israel....
That is a very interesting re-writing of history.
It takes a lot of intellectual courage to do the popular thing and ignore that Israeli Jews have been there fore
at least the past 3700 years, that Palestine was a colony of Greeks wiped out a couple thousand years ago by Phoenicians, and that those who now call themselves Palestinians are in fact Jordanian nomads who just sort of plopped down on the West Side after their plan to grab up Jewish lands (after letting surrounding Arab states wipe out those who had actually made said lands productive after being shafted into the fucking desert by Britain) failed miserably.
Oh, and never mind that they've since turned their society into a fucking jihadist death-cult which values children most when they are used for delivering explosive devices or as corpses useful for propaganda, that with or without a cease-fire they have constantly launched rockets at Israeli cities and settlements, that they herd their own civilians onto the rooftops of buildings they know are targeted for Israeli air strikes, that they fucking treat their own women in ways that are absolutely morally indefensible, including the murdering of rape victims, or that they have looted and trashed every edifice and every acre of developed land the Israelis have ceded to them in the foolish hope of buying some measure of piece.
You know all those Arab Muslim nations that constantly cry foul on behalf of the Palestinians? Ever notice how they won't let those assholes resettle over their own borders? There's a reason for that. They know the Palestinians have created for themselves a culture which is only good for four things: murder, destruction, collecting international welfare, and manipulating foreign chumps with their bullshit cavalcade.
And as for native Americans? As someone descended (in part) from that lot, I'll say the world was far, far, far better off having the United States in their place. The world has quite enough technologically stagnant blood-thirsty neolithic tribal cultures.
Oh, but I forgot, failed cultures which have had their true nature whitewashed are so
spiritual and
deep and
inexplicably superior.
Sorry to disappoint, but I do not speak with the trees, an eagle has never alighted upon my shoulder, and if I see someone toss trash on the ground I'm more inclined to smack them upside the head than shed a tear.
Now I remember why I stopped posting at the old Loaded-Gun.